
Friday, June 11, 2010

The Old Point Comfort lighthouse on Fort Monroe

It was in the midst of the hot season and my job required that I attend a conference with the military representatives and various colleges and universities. All the while, I was wishing I could be outdoors catching the wonderful rays of sun and taking photographs of all the artifacts located at Ft. Monroe in Phoebes, Virginia. There I sat with a room full of people who wanted to go outside as bad if not worse than me.

We finally took a lunch break and I found myself outside capturing every image that was in close proximity. As time drew near, I noticed a large artifact that moved my spirit, the eleventh lighthouse established in America. The Old Point Comfort Lighthouse was built to mark the entrance to the Port of Hampton Road and to guide ships into the Chesapeake Bay. I was captivated by the size and the beauty. I found myself going back in history in my mind just to bring myself to the present so I could capture the images. I saw ships, slaves, and men warring with their souls against their egos. How wretched are we, caught up into perception but trying to survive by our mere illusions for existence.

I found myself transforming into a ship being guided by the light of connectivity to the world, a large object secured in the universe of souls of men and women. I began to wonder what impact I could make on the world if I stood still in the midst of the storm as the lighthouse; if I provided guidance to the lost, bewildered, and those without balance. Here I was in the middle of the day creating images in my mind that was beyond my control. I envisioned waves and the turbulent weather that caused men and women to get lost in a world of expectation of others. I found myself pondering on what contribution this lighthouse made to time and space in the universe at the time it was fully functional. Just for a moment, I was caught up in a blissful memory of the evolution of life. In my mind time and space stood still for an instant moment. The shutter speed on my camera was infused with light that captured the stillness, serene, and calmness of the image before me. Engulfed in a visionary world, I found myself creating an image that impressed upon my soul a path for safety.

Here I was captivated by a still structure that purified me at the thought of its existence. Through the power of now, I found myself gaining strength and encouragement from the stillness of this artifact. I saw representation of my life in this lighthouse with circumstances I am faced with; sometimes things are stable, steady, and serene but at other situations are turbulent, and unstable.

As I stand before the base of the lighthouse, I gain a true understanding of the impact it made for those who were seeking the possibilities of what lies ahead. When people see some things as darkness, on the other side there is light. The light always represent the gateway to all understanding. Yet, that which appear hidden is always present, which is in the light!

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